
my favorite word: crazy. well, at least for today. it's amazing how, when you actually are crazy, or at least get people to believe that you are, you can get away with doing whatever you want. it's fantastic! but then again, you can't fall in love, so...

Thursday, September 08, 2005


you'll know when i'm bored out of my mind because i'll have time to make weird formats for things (see title) and actually bother to write about nonsensical stuff. stuff like, you know, my day. which is what i'm going to do right now. never mind that i actually have a lot of things to do.. so, first off, i woke up at around 730, which is pretty early for me, coz i usually wake up at around 10. but anyway, after taking a bath, i just read this article my theology professor asigned us, and it was about justice and the prohetic tradition..although i didn't quite get it. and then, after that, i went back to sleep, which was a wrong move coz i failed to wake up in time for my 1030 class, so i had to cut it. but i did get to go to my sociology class, but it was pretty idiotic coz this group was presenting about the "managed heart" or what not, and their powerpoint presentation was kinda stupid. it had like, hearts all over it, but that probably isn't surprising coz one of the members of the group was so gay. anyhu, i decided to sit in one of the later class for my theology subject, just so i wouldn't get left behind. this was both a stupid and really great decision. stupid in that when i got there, it turns out, it wasn't really going to be like a formal class, but simply a discussion on the current national crisis and what we felt about it, and thoughts regarding it and some such thing. but it was also a really great thing to have done, coz this former rocker classmate of mine from whom i really need help was there. and to think that just moments before i was wondering whether i would get to see him that day. so this day hasn't been such a crappy one, after all. of course, that doesn't change the fact that i'm still bored right now.:)


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